Since I started hosting, I've felt chained to my email. I have a support email that goes out to me and a couple of my contractors, but I'm finding that the universe seems to want to mock me with that. There's almost never a time one of us isn't around a computer, but sure enough, last week I'm just getting back from the hospital where a family member had open-heart surgery, exhausted, feeling like crap, quick check of my email before going to nap and I find that one of my clients has managed to break her site with a typo in her .htaccess file at some exact time a couple hours before when NONE of us were available. First time anyone has used that email address in months, and no one was around to answer it.
I started looking last night at outsourcing tech support. The names XeSupport, BobCares, and Webby Cart kept coming up, as well as a few others. Most of these offer WAY more support than I need, although a few at least offer smaller, per-ticket packages. Affordable, although with most it seems I'd still be paying for 10+ tickets a month when I probably wouldn't get that many in a year. Worth it for the peace-of-mind, but I wanted to ask around to see if there are other options.
I'm spoiled with GlowHost support.If you guys offered end-user support, I'd happily pay your per-hour fee per incident knowing I'd get quality support and wouldn't have to worry about handing over access to my server to some strange company. But until that's a possibility, anyone have any recommendations? If I got a lot more tickets, it would make sense to just find people I trust and pay them to be on-call, but given how rarely I get tickets, it seems the best option is to find a reliable company who does this anyway and does always have someone available...