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Thread: Missy Server

  1. #41
    Matt's Avatar
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    What would you like the hostname to be? Or do you want to keep that private and open a ticket about that?
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  2. #42
    rlhanson's Avatar
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    If I have it something other than rlhanson-online can I still have the CNS for my portion as a reseller?

    Are you going to be able to help me get this all set? I don't know anything about this.
    Thank you,
    Lynne Hanson
    RL Hanson-Online

  3. #43
    Matt's Avatar
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    can you tell me what you mean when you say CNS?

    Your hostname would be something like or any other domain you want to use with a subdomain-like prefix. For example, you are on the Missy server. In the example I gave you would be on the Dragonfly server.
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  4. #44
    rlhanson's Avatar
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    custom nameserver...

    I think we are going to put it under our LLC - I'll have to get back to you this afternoon via support ticket once I speak to my partner.
    Thank you,
    Lynne Hanson
    RL Hanson-Online

  5. #45
    rlhanson's Avatar
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    A couple more final questions:

    What is the bandwidth transfer on that machine?

    And on the 5 IP addresses, can you have ded IP's under each one of those (like my reseller account does on Missy)?

    Can you send me all the specs (like what's listed on your normal packages with my partner)?
    Thank you,
    Lynne Hanson
    RL Hanson-Online

  6. #46
    Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rlhanson View Post
    A couple more final questions:

    What is the bandwidth transfer on that machine?

    And on the 5 IP addresses, can you have ded IP's under each one of those (like my reseller account does on Missy)?

    Can you send me all the specs (like what's listed on your normal packages with my partner)?
    The transfer is 2000 Gigs/mo

    Yes you can use those for dedicated IPs.

    I can't really build you a web page right now, but here goes:

    Dual AMD Opteron 244 @ 1.8 Ghz
    Monthly $199.00
    Setup: Free
    Primary HDD: 120 GB
    Backup HDD: 120 GB
    RAM: 4 GB
    2 Drive Bays
    100 Mbps Port
    No KVM

    Everything else is the same you see on the site for the other servers.
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  7. #47
    rlhanson's Avatar
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    Yes you can use those for dedicated IPs.
    So, we can add ded IPs to each of those IPs?

    If we got Package II, how much would the backup drive cost?
    And, can we still do the same reseller account scenario?
    Thank you,
    Lynne Hanson
    RL Hanson-Online

  8. #48
    Matt's Avatar
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    I don't know what you mean by adding a dedicated IP to those IPs?

    IPs are IPs are IPs. If you want to change a site to use one of those IP addresses instead of the main shared IP, then you can do that. Then, that site would have a dedicated (not shared) IP.

    The server comes with 5 IP address. The first one is used for the main shared IP.

    The next 2 are used for your private naemservers. Those 2 can also be used for dedicated IPs for web sites but I would not do that unless the sites you put on those dedicated IPs are owned by the same account that owns nameservers, in this case, your account.

    That leaves 2 Ips that can be used specifically for dedicated IPs for web sites, or they can be used as a (secondary) main IP for your resellers, instead of them using your main shared IP but that gets more confusing than it is worth usually especially if cPanel is not working like it should in this area which it sometimes does.

    You can always add more IPs at any time if yours are all used up.

    The price of the backup drive depends on the size of the drive you get, and if you want a one time payment or a monthly payment.

    The best way to check prices is go to the order form, and select a server, than play with the various options for harddrives. It will show you the additional cost for primary or secondary drives (or 3rd and 4th drives if you want them) as well as any other addon you might want including RAID.

    Yes, you can have resellers on any dedicated server.
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  9. #49
    Matt's Avatar
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    Questions from your sister:

    1) What does "for the life of the server" mean - Does that mean for the time that we lease or use the server?

    Your interpretation is correct.

    2) Is the backup drive on the actual server or elsewhere?

    It's on the same server. You can put it on another server, but then you would need a second server.

    2.5) If data is lost on the dedicated server will it also effect the backup drive?

    It depends on what your definition of "lost" is.

    If you deleted something and then 35 days later remembered that you wanted that file, the odds are good the file is lost because the backups would also not have that file.

    If you mean the primary drive got the "click of death" then the backup drive should contain all your website data. Should being the operative word. You should always have local copies of your data in addition to a remote backup. Or, 2 remote backups. Or in other words, data in at least 3 locations.

    If you mean the server caught on fire and melted then yes, both drives would be affected.

    3) Can you use other services like Carbonite to backup what's on the server?

    I am not familiar with carbonite but if they can connect to a linux server then the answer would be yes, you can use whatever you want. It is your server.

    4) On RL Hanson's reseller account she has already paid for dedicated IP's. How does that effect what's on the new server - Can we move and keep the previous dedicated IP's that we already host? How does it effect the previous SSL's?

    The IP addresses will change when the sites are moved. The SSL simply get installed on the new IPs.
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  10. #50
    rlhanson's Avatar
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    Questions from your sister
    At least you know we are both "inquiry minds want to know"... if you think it's driving you crazy, you should have seen us when we were little! lol
    Thank you,
    Lynne Hanson
    RL Hanson-Online

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