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Thread: Benefits of private branded name servers

  1. #1
    Christopher's Avatar
    Christopher is offline Nearly a Master Glow Jedi
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    Default Benefits of private branded name servers

    I'm making the switch to private branded nameservers. From what I can see
    This is a great option for a small web host like myself. Has anyone had there any downfalls with setting up thier company this way?

    I've just requested to set-up my nameservers so I'll let the forum know how the transition goes. Currently I'm using glowhost's namesevers and all has been well.

    Thank in advance for you input.


  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline GlowHost Administrator
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    Well if no one else has any feedback I will start:

    The biggest advantage of branded nameservers or "private dns" as some call it is that for large resellers or dedicated server owners it makes moving boat loads of sites from one server to another a breeze. This is because you do not have to ask all of your customers to edit the DNS on each individual domain name, or worse yet, do it for them. With private nameservers all you need to do is change the IP addresses associated with the nameserver to resolve all domains using the specified dns to a new machine.

    For example:

    If you have
    listed as nameservers for all your domain names, that points them to example server A.

    But you want to move your large reseller account to a dedicated server without a lot of fuss, or downtime. Simple login to where you registered

    And change the Ips to something like

    And all the sites will resolve to the new example server B. You would want all files/sites/email accounts to be in place on server B before doing this, then, when the domains end up resolving to the new server, the sites and email boxes are already there and waiting.

    The second benefit of having them is that it masks your identity as a GlowHost reseller. When people do a WHOIS on your domains, they will see your brand name there which is one way to attract potential customers, and also not let on that you are a reseller on do not own a dedicated server or servers yourself.

    Hope that helps.
    Last edited by Matt; 06-20-2005 at 08:14 PM.
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  3. #3
    Kitelife is offline No longer a Newbie
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    We've had private name servers with GlowHost since day 1, and it's worked out great for us... Protects our customer base, and lends that extra trust when they see your own company name throughout.

  4. #4
    okorpheus is offline Newbie
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    One of the reasons I decided to try glow host is this feature. How do I enable private label dns servers?

  5. #5
    AndrewGlow is offline Master Glow Jedi
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    You just need to open a ticket with request for private nameservers. Once our technicians set private nameservers for your account on the server, you will just need to update IPs on the registrar side.
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  6. #6
    allessia9999 is offline Banned
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    You can request for nameserver to your hosting provider. I suggest to use private name server always, because that allow you to mange your server by yourself. And also your sites does not go offline. if in special case, you have to face downtime and all, then you can fix that self. you won't need to wait for any expert to bring those names server times up.

  7. #7
    jacobwallace is offline Junior Web Sage
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    Advantages of a Private Nameserver
    1. Creating a Brand — As a reseller, you want to seem to your clients as an independent host.
    2. Establishing Trust - One of the most critical aspects of establishing a loyal client base is creating a sense of security.

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