Any software suggestions?
I'll admit it upfront: I have no clue what I'm doing. I designed some web pages using Word, and managed to get them uploaded to several probably entirely inappropriate folders using the free CoffeeCup FTP program. The pages are in my public_html folder, I can see them there, but when I try to go to my web site through my browser, all I get is the plain Index list showing a lot of folders, question marks, and modification dates.
My start-up budget is . . . well, close to nonexistant, but I am considering buying some WYSIWYG web design software - as long as it promises to actually put my site out there, online, where real live people can see it. (I'm not using Soho because - no offense - I really, really do not like templates.)
I know that FrontPage is going the way of the dinosaur, and from what I've heard, Dreamweaver and Expressions are out of my price range. Does anyone have any suggestions for inexpensive, novice-friendly software? Or better yet, a way of getting my Word single web pages uploaded to the right place?
Hello. If I were you I'd have tried to check whether the simplest page works. Only after that I'd start creating something more complicated. Not all the web designers use special web design software, the main thing is to use correct code.
Hi, vorpalbunny.
Frontpage is really closed & if you don't have it (with MS Office for example) you shouldn't buy it. MS Word is not the best way to create web-pages & not because you can't see them. With these files you have other problems I believe.
If you're the client of GlowHost, please, open support ticket on this issue. Let us know your domain name & notice that the ticket should be assigned to me. This way we can help you with helpful advice.
If you're looking for free software I suggest you to look here http://www.download.com/3150-2048_4-...&fileSize=&ca=
Vorpalbunny -
Question: Did you name your file "index.html" sounds to me like you have uploaded files successfully but aren't actually accessing your page that you created.
Try typing in a full path: www.yourdomainname.com/yourfilename.html - or save a page as index.html - this is the default page viewed when you go to any url (www.domainname.com) - well, that and extensions .php, .htm, etc.
I'll let the experts like Dmitiry get to the nitty gritty with you but thought a small suggestion may help. 
Also, read this guy's free lessons: http://www.htmltutorials.ca/ - it's an easy to learn tutorial on html - he has the first 20 some lessons for free and will really help you get started on writing your own html code - using nothing but notepad.
Thanks! I can't believe how helpful people on this forum are!
At this point I have an index.html file, and your suggestion of typing in the full path takes me to it - but there's a problem with my file, I think (it's a page that I designed in Word.) All that's showing up in my browser (IE7) is a dark red or brown page with nearly unreadable black text regarding a MIME something-or-other; not exactly what I designed! 
I've looked over the first one of the free lessons; thanks so much for that link. It looks straightforward and reasonably easy to follow. I'm looking forward to learning a new language!
You can email me the file, I'll look over the code for you.
Do you have a sound or movie file playing on the page?
Thanks! It's really nice of you to take the time to do that!
No, no sound, movies, or anything other than text, images, and a couple of nav buttons. I've sent the file as an attachment to an email called "vorpalbunny's file" to the support email address on your web site; hopefully that was the right address to use?
And speaking of your site, everyone should check it out; I love the dragonfly!
Yes, Alexander. I completely agree with you.
Don't try complicated work first, just try to concentrate on good coding first of all.
I think this is depend on software developers while designing a website. Good coding and every aspect of options used to make website.
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