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Thread: SEO Future?

  1. #1
    Mirey86's Avatar
    Mirey86 is offline Newbie
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    Question SEO Future?

    I've been reading quite a bit of material on Google recently and I've personally come to the conclusion that sooner rather than later, search engines such as google will almost dismiss the current SEO techniques used today with a couple exceptions. I would think that Keyword rich content, Titles, links etc are and will always be very important, but the older Google gets possibly 99.999% of it's results will be based on content and interaction only? Think about the difference from 2001 to 2006 and how much less value h2 tags etc give to SEO now. (this is all of course an assumption).


    My question is, from what you all know, is it really worth the time to label images and make sure h1 h2 tags etc are labeled with Keywords ?? and if so what % would you give to the "tried and true techniques" ? At this point I think it's still important enough to spend some time on, but what do you all think??

    Thank you for your input!

  2. #2
    Dlowy's Avatar
    Dlowy is offline Newbie
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    Yes, I agree. SEO by keywords is getting down, but there will be other ways to go

  3. #3
    Christopher's Avatar
    Christopher is offline Nearly a Master Glow Jedi
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    As it has been: Content is King. I also think there will always be positive results for properly formatted alt tags.

  4. #4
    completekey's Avatar
    completekey is offline No longer a Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by Christopher View Post
    As it has been: Content is King. I also think there will always be positive results for properly formatted alt tags.
    Quoted for truth. Good content should get passed around, especially when exposed to right audience. Image tags should be properly labeled, I believe, if it has something specifically to do with the main topics of your site. But if it's just a random image of a flower on a site about cars, you need not bother.

  5. #5
    whitney01 is offline Newbie
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    Social sites liek facebook and twitter is a big help for getting traffics to our site.. So even our keyword is poor those social sites can pull it up.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    I've been SEO for more than 1 year now. But i have a question that i can't answer and i know here that many expert SEO here in this site.

    Now here's my question.

    Is there any possible strategy to rank down the competitor site? Because my Friend is a Seo beginner then he had a interview then the employer ask him about how to rank down the enemy.. It because the competitor of the employer was saying a words to them. So Guys please help me because me too im interested to know this.
    Last edited by Matt; 02-02-2012 at 10:02 PM.

  7. #7
    greymatter is offline No longer a Newbie
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    I suggest you tell your friend to walk away from client that asks for this kind of service. Although possible it is considered unethical. Better to try to beat their rankings by doing a better on your own rankings.

    SEO has really evolved over the years and will continue to revolve. One of the most important aspects of SEO is back-linking. This alone has the most weight…but it's a good idea and best practice to do all other elements like meta tags, on page content optimization, unique relevant content…etc.

    Computer Tech/Internet Development

  8. #8
    cristian is offline Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by roderickpaulate View Post Friend is a Seo beginner then he had a interview then the employer ask him about how to rank down the enemy...
    It sounds strange. I've never heard about such tasks. I want to join to greymatter's opinion - you should forget about such employers very quickly, because working with them won't give you anything good.

  9. #9
    adixehal is offline Newbie
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    I am sure SEO promotion technique is different in coming days but not end. Online marketing needs promotion and advertisement always to explore businesses.

  10. #10
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline GlowHost Administrator
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    Well, with google blocking the referring keywords, it will certainly be a challenge for the amateur SEOs to deal with. We've seen many close up shop and find another career. Maybe that's a good thing in some cases.
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