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Thread: php forum template

  1. #1
    AJH is offline Junior Web Sage
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    Default php forum template

    Hope this is the right place to ask this. I have downloaded a couple of phpbb designs, but I have not figured out a way to modify the logo. Is there an easy way to do this?

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline GlowHost Administrator
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    This would be a good spot for that sort of question.

    I am not sure where the setting is, if it even is a setting but yes, it is doable in at least two ways that I know of.

    A. Make an image of the same dimensions and name as the default image you are trying to replace, then upload it to the proper location on the server. That way when the page loads it will load your new graphic instead of the default.

    That is one way to do it without modifying templates or settings.

    B. Modify the templates for your new image that contains dimensions other than the defaults.

    I am sure the phpbb site has a lot more information on this topic in their forums.
    Last edited by Matt; 08-13-2007 at 04:21 PM.
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  3. #3
    rlhanson's Avatar
    rlhanson is offline Master Glow Jedi
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    You can replace the logo within the theme folder on your server.

    For example, if you use the subsilver theme, in phpBB2 it's in the template folder (phpBB2/templates/images/logo_phpBB2.gif). I beleive in phpBB, it's in themes.

    Easy way, open your BB, right click the image, properties: check the path.
    Right click image, save.
    Make your logo the same dimensions (as Matt stated above) save it as the file name you just saved from the BB, now upload to the path you viewed.
    Sometimes, there are 2 places the logo images are placed in phpBB - one in the images folder immediately inside the phpBB folder, and one in the themes folder... (phpBB/themes/NukeNews/images/logo.gif).
    Make SURE you only replace the one in the themes folder first, then if you don't see the change, start hunting for another place it may be calling the image from.
    Thank you,
    Lynne Hanson
    RL Hanson-Online

  4. #4
    AJH is offline Junior Web Sage
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    Jul 2007


    Thanks, I am going to try and edit my logo tonight. I have had a really hard time with it. I don't really want to pay someone to customize my work. I like to learn it myself so that I can continue to modify it if needed.

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