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Thread: One more: Online Designer?

  1. #1
    rlhanson's Avatar
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    Default One more: Online Designer?

    Does anyone know how to go about getting a program like is on this site:

    I would like to offer my clients the ability to design their cards online.

    Anything you could tell me about this programming would be appreciated and may help me narrow down my search!

    Thanks in advance!
    Thank you,
    Lynne Hanson
    RL Hanson-Online

  2. #2
    jmarcv's Avatar
    jmarcv is offline Cranky Coder
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    Basically, this uses DHTML and CSS it looks like. When the user enters data, it uses Javascript to populate a DIV in the card template. It ain't easy, but its not rocket science either. Looks like it is a custom job. I can give you the basics, if you give me a sample template, but this may be something you need to hire a programmer to do. I know for a fact Glowhost programmers would have no problem with this if they are available.

  3. #3
    rlhanson's Avatar
    rlhanson is offline Master Glow Jedi
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    Thank you for your response John-Marc.
    I would really like to learn how to do this programming but will have to tackle this afterhours and try to learn it step-by-step.

    When you ask for a sample template, are you asking for the basic page content (form, background of card area, etc.) that I want to apply the programming to?

    I would REALLY appreciate any type of advice you could offer. If I can't figure this out, I will definately be getting a hold of Glowhost's programmers! They helped me out with a file upload form that I was having some issues with - superb service for sure!

    Thanks again for your reply.
    Thank you,
    Lynne Hanson
    RL Hanson-Online

  4. #4
    jmarcv's Avatar
    jmarcv is offline Cranky Coder
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    Template - just a sample card - and lets keep it in this thread rather than private, because I think others can benefit from seeing how this is done.

  5. #5
    rlhanson's Avatar
    rlhanson is offline Master Glow Jedi
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    For those of us just learning about AJAX - found this site: Getting Started with AJAX
    Thank you,
    Lynne Hanson
    RL Hanson-Online

  6. #6
    jmarcv's Avatar
    jmarcv is offline Cranky Coder
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    template in html using the <php> tags this BBS supports

  7. #7
    rlhanson's Avatar
    rlhanson is offline Master Glow Jedi
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    Okay - John Marc - since I already appear as ignorant as I can be....

    what do you mean?
    template in html using the <php> tags this BBS supports
    I can write it in html or php or both. I'm assuming you want the form that would populate the card and the area where the text field input would populate based on the div tags you spoke of - correct?

    Could you please remove the prior post with the business card image I posted (10-22-2007, 08:45 AM ) ... it would be greatly appreciated!
    Thank you,
    Lynne Hanson
    RL Hanson-Online

  8. #8
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline GlowHost Administrator
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    he is saying to copy and paste your code into your reply then wrap the code in the vBulletin php tags so the code is human readable.

    The vB tags look like [ ] with the word "php" in between the brakets. I'd type it to show you an example but the forum truncates my example. Probably why JM used < > instead of [ ]
    Last edited by Matt; 10-22-2007 at 05:53 PM.
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  9. #9
    Matt's Avatar
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    Here is a link to the FAQ for vB code:
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  10. #10
    rlhanson's Avatar
    rlhanson is offline Master Glow Jedi
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    oh-h-h well, I figured out how to do that last time you had to edit my post! <lol>
    Thanks for the link Matt.
    Thank you,
    Lynne Hanson
    RL Hanson-Online

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