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Thread: Site Down? Olga Has a problem.

  1. #21
    Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dazkeirle
    I've no idea how you have such a good reputation when the service is so poor.
    Service or your server? I think you are confusing service with a problem on a piece of machinery which we are servicing.

    As I explained to you earlier, there is no way to predict an operating system failure and unfortunately, when you are dealing with high-end hardware and the newest operating systems, things require a bit of tweeking to get them streamlined. Any outages are intermittent while we optimize the servers performance.

    The reason we have such a good reputation is because this sort of thing rarely happens because we take preventative measures, but with an OS that explodes, there isn't much that can be done than to fix it when it happens. I am sorry that you do not appreciate our commitment to you over Christmas Eve and Christmas Day to get the issue resolved.

    Your DNS thing is fixed. You may some restarts but that is quite different than an outage. Was you site affected when it showed down on netstatus or are you just watching the status monitor for red lights?
    Last edited by Matt; 12-25-2007 at 02:00 PM.
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  2. #22
    dazkeirle is offline Junior Web Sage
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    rubbish, could you not see my screenshot?

    My site is currently down.

    edit* site is back up.

    So please can somebody just answer my damn question. How long am i supposed to expect the server to go up and down for? a day, two days?

    Does olga require someone to give it a sharp bang every so often to keep it ticking over lol. I used to have a tv like that.
    Last edited by dazkeirle; 12-25-2007 at 01:30 PM.

  3. #23
    Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dazkeirle View Post
    rubbish, could you not see my screenshot?

    My site is currently down.
    Excuse me, but can you look at the real live monitor and not your screenshot? they are currently all green.

    Even if you see a red light does not mean the server is down. if you see a wall of red lights then it is down. You may see some services blink from time to time during a restart or something like that.

    What is your domain name or ticket number if your site is still down?
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  4. #24
    dazkeirle is offline Junior Web Sage
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    whenever I look its either green or red. Sometimes a mixture of the two.

    If i was submitting a ticket every time something on the site was down I'd have to have my cpanel open permanently.

  5. #25
    Matt's Avatar
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    Like I said netstatus is not 100% accurate and just because some lights are red sometimes does not mean the service is down. you can verify the service using a telnet to the server IP to verify it for yourself, next time you see a potential issue. If you see a whole row of red lights then it is a pretty good indicator of a server-wide issue. But a single light can be a timeout or a restart (not reboot) of a service.

    In answer to your other question, no, no one is beating it with a hammer. As a matter of fact, no one is even looking at the server. It was re-racked yesterday. Right now all the software and services are being configured and repaired remotely.

    The machine was stabalized yesterday. What we are doing now is fine tuning the services like Apache and DNS and whatever else turns up to be throwing errors. Sometimes in order to fix an error, modifications need to be made to the Linux or application configuration and a service restart is needed for the new configuration to be loaded. I am sure you are famiiar with the process on a windows machine where you install something and the entire machine needs a reboot. With linux, typically you do not need to shut the whole thing down, but you need to restart the service.
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  6. #26
    dazkeirle is offline Junior Web Sage
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    hang on, if we keep editing past posts then i cant tell what I'm supposed to be replying to.

    Of course im not watching the netstatus permanently. But i do have it open as when i'm browsing my forum every so often everything just goes tits up. Of course my first port of call is to check the netstatus where usually olga then has some reds.

    My problem is not your commitment, its the server. It's supposed to be fixed but there are still issues. If you'd just give us some visibility of what we are to expect and for how long in the coming future (resets, downtime etc) then I wouldn't have to post here to find out whats going on.

    I have to post because everything goes back up and is fine and then it hits the fan again. I never know if your doing something to reset it etc, or it the hardware is just dying again. If you updated the thread with issues as you found em I wouldn't feel the need to keep informing you.

  7. #27
    dazkeirle is offline Junior Web Sage
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    Thanks for the visibilty, as i know its being worked on I wont keep posting. Just please let us know when you think it's stable and then if it goes down after that I'll let you know.

  8. #28
    Matt's Avatar
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    You do not need to inform us, we also have access to netstatus but more importantly we see it before netstatus does and are working to fix it. We do not have enough time to come in here and post every time we are going to be making a change otherwise this will never get done.

    But for the record, ffmpeg and other streaming video software is about to be loaded and Fantastico is about to be re-installed. neither of these require service restarts and after that we will be dealing with errors in customer tickets which may or may not require service restarts but i have no way of telling until the customer tickets come in.
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  9. #29
    jmarcv's Avatar
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    I am sure that many of us users on olga who would beg you to stop berating and badgering the techs so that the server can be patched as soon as possible. Many of us feel that you are only delaying the issue, and if they inform you everytime a service has to be reset, it will just delay things. So I would suggest, as someone sharing this server with you, that you do not make it worse for everyone please.

  10. #30
    dazkeirle is offline Junior Web Sage
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    OK sorry all.

    Matt, while at the moment i do think you and your team are legends. I don't appreciate you publically posting my sites address in that screengrab. edit* screengrab was removed - thanks

    p.s. I didnt realise forum support were the same guys as who actually perform maintenence on these servers, was told that was NOC. Didnt realise i was taking time away from them.
    Last edited by dazkeirle; 12-25-2007 at 02:07 PM.

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