Service or your server? I think you are confusing service with a problem on a piece of machinery which we are servicing.Originally Posted by dazkeirle
As I explained to you earlier, there is no way to predict an operating system failure and unfortunately, when you are dealing with high-end hardware and the newest operating systems, things require a bit of tweeking to get them streamlined. Any outages are intermittent while we optimize the servers performance.
The reason we have such a good reputation is because this sort of thing rarely happens because we take preventative measures, but with an OS that explodes, there isn't much that can be done than to fix it when it happens. I am sorry that you do not appreciate our commitment to you over Christmas Eve and Christmas Day to get the issue resolved.
Your DNS thing is fixed. You may some restarts but that is quite different than an outage. Was you site affected when it showed down on netstatus or are you just watching the status monitor for red lights?