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Thread: [How To] Enable CloudFlare and Railgun for your domain

  1. #1
    AndrewGlow is offline Master Glow Jedi
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default [How To] Enable CloudFlare and Railgun for your domain

    GlowHost is happy to inform our customers that we are an optimized partner of CloudFlare.

    That means that our customers can enable CloudFlare from cPanel directly (without changing nameservers) and benefit from Railgun Dynamic website optimization and compression.

    Let's go through steps required for enabling CloudFlare and Railgun for your domain.

    Enabling CloudFlare

    1. Login to your cPanel account and find the CloudFlare icon in Software/Services section.

    Click image for larger version. 

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    2. The CloudFlare page will ask you to enter your email address and agree with their Terms of Service. Please enter a real email address, since it will be needed for accessing some advanced settings. After that click on the "Signup Now!" button.

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    Done? Congratulations, you have registered your account with CloudFlare!

    3. After you signup with CloudFlare, your control panel will show domains you currently have.

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    Once you click on the grey cloud near your domain, CloudFlare will be enabled for that domain.

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    That's all. Your website is using CloudFlare now! Please note that by default only www. record is enabled in CloudFlare. That means that will go through CloudFlare servers. If you want to enable other records, you will need to click on "Manage" near where your domain name is listed.

    Enabling RailGun Website Optimization

    1. In order to enable RailGun, please login to cPanel and click on "CloudFlare" in Software/Services section.

    2. Choose the "Performance" item in the menu bar.

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    3. You will be forwarded to the Performance settings page which has several options. Please scroll down and find the "Railgun" option. There you will need to click on the dropdown menu and change setting from "Railgun not selected" to "GlowHost Railgun".

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    That's all. You can find information about Railgun here. To cut the long story short, Railgun optimizer helps to compress data between datacenters and speeds up your websites. We do hope that you will enjoy this new feature. Thank you for hosting with us!
    Last edited by Matt; 02-01-2015 at 03:19 PM.
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  2. #2
    nomanali is offline Banned
    Join Date
    Aug 2015


    This great news
    I never knew glowhost is also offering Cloudflare. And thanks for sharing all the steps to enable this service.

  3. #3
    RCull is offline Nearly a Glow Sage
    Join Date
    Dec 2014


    Do I not understand?

    I have a reseller account, Level 1. I have the reseller domain and about 10 other domains. They are all actually mine.

    I have successfully activated CloudFlare on the reseller domain and one other. It seems that is the limit. I don't really need the reseller domain on CloudFlare, so I will attempt to delete it from CloudFlare and see if it will allow another domain to occupy it's space.

    Maybe someone will come back and say, no, you should be able to activate all the domains on CloudFlare. If that is the case, I guess I need some instructions because it just hasn't worked Support has tried to help, but it seems the best advise is not to use the "Free" CloudFlare, or upgrade my reseller account to a Cloud Server - VDS, quite a jump in price.


  4. #4
    AndrewGlow is offline Master Glow Jedi
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Hello Robert,

    I have reviewed your ticket and as far as I see, there were two possible concerns. First of all, you can add as many websites to CloudFlare you'd like, especially with the reseller account, where you have possibility to add an unlimited number of cPanel accounts.

    The problem you have faced, when CloudFlare doesn't allow to enable protection takes place in case you have already enabled it from another account (with another hoster), or directly with CloudFlare. Please ensure that once you enable protection, you remember your login details and use them later if you are prompted by cPanel.

    As to the upgrade suggestion, I should clarify it. CloudFlare in cPanel is a usual version that works for only. If you'd like to use your (without www) via CloudFlare and take advantage of the firewall offered by CloudFlare, you will need to upgrade your CloudFlare account. We don't mean upgrading the hosting account, it is only upgrade via

    Speaking about Virtual Dedicated Server, it was offered as an alternative to the CloudFlare firewall you have mentioned. Virtual servers allow configuration of the whole server, including firewall. That means that you will probably not need CloudFlare upgrade if you have a virtual server. These are two possible solutions if you need a firewall that can be customised according to your needs.
    Have no fear,
    GlowHost is Here!

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