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Thread: [How To] Addon Domains: accessing cPanel or FTP for each new domain

  1. #1
    Matt's Avatar
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    Default [How To] Addon Domains: accessing cPanel or FTP for each new domain

    When you create an addon domain in cPanel, it asks you for a username for the new addon domain. This is the second box called:

    Username/directory/subdomain Name

    When you type something in here, it will make a new folder that acts as public_html for the newly created addon domain.

    It also creates a new ftp account for the site. The main difference is that your username is now in the format of and then the password you typed in for the addon domain.

    For example, if you made an addon domain called: and in the second box you made a new Username/directory/subdomain Name called: mynew
    with the password: somepass, then you would have a separate FTP account that only allows access to the "mynew" folder. This is nice if you want to restrict access to your primary site.

    You would then login to the FTP site as:
    ftp host:
    pass: somepass

    You can also simply FTP to the main site, using the main site's username and password, then upload the files as you would to any regular subdirectory, but the "mynew" subdirectory acts as public_html for the new site. I find that way easier but I find a separate hosting account the easiest.

    For cPanel, you cannot access a separate cPanel for the new site, that is only possible with a reseller account.

    The way to access the new site's cPanel is via the main site's cPanel, then if you have a look around, you see options now for both domains. For example, under mail > add/remove/manage accounts, you will see drop down menus so that you can make email addresses for either the main domain, or newly created addon domain.

    Hope that helps. Feel free to post any comments.
    Last edited by Matt; 08-05-2005 at 05:14 PM.
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  2. #2
    jgold101 is offline Junior Web Sage
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    Hi Matt,
    My question isn't related to email per se but this thread partially answered a question I've been struggling with for a few days.
    I have an add-on domain which is where the site I'm developing will ultimately reside. I initially developed the pages using FrontPage but have since decided on another route for development (Dreamweaver).

    I had trouble publishing to the add-on domain (FrontPage could not establish a connection with the server) so I put everything on the primary and redirected the subdomain to the primary domain. That worked ok. But I'd really rather keep my primary domain for another project.

    In trying since to publish any .htm files at all to the add-on domain, I cannot connect via ftp. I removed the Frontpage extensions from the add on domain but not the primary. Does that make a difference for ftp purposes if I'm uploading directly to the add-on? Or is there some other connection issue related to ftp?


  3. #3
    rlhanson's Avatar
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    Every once in awhile I have trouble connecting with the ftp client using the - if you are the only one connecting to the site, you can just have your connection setting switch to your subdomain folder upon connection.

    I suggest that you name your connections different within your client so you can tell the difference between when you are connecting to your main site or your subdomain.

    Not exactly the answer you were looking for but something that might work in the meantime.
    Thank you,
    Lynne Hanson
    RL Hanson-Online

  4. #4
    Matt's Avatar
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    When you create an addon domain in cPanel, there are 3 boxes. One for the domain, one for the username, and one for the password.

    This is a unique FTP username and password for this specific site. This is what you should configure in your Dreamweaver site manager to keep the sites separate and organized.

    You shouldn't need to use any redirects in the addon domain manager, just fill in the three boxes and you should be able to FTP to the proper folder inside of the main site's public_html

    The addon domain username will be in the format of and not just cpanel_user like the main site is. This is where most people get hung up.

    Not sure if you have seen this thread, but it may help:

    Addon domain FTP username
    Last edited by Matt; 12-04-2007 at 12:15 AM.
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  5. #5
    jgold101 is offline Junior Web Sage
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    Thanks to both of you for the quick responses!

    I'll give your suggestions a try. Hopefully I'll be ftp'ing gleefully

  6. #6
    jgold101 is offline Junior Web Sage
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    Hi Matt,
    Just wanted to let you know, the whole username tip did the trick. That was where I was getting booted.
    Thanks a ton!
    You know, I really should be...wait, where was I?

  7. #7
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline GlowHost Administrator
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    Mucho gusto.
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