If you get an error in Microsoft Frontpage when trying to publish similar to:
406 Not Acceptable
Not Acceptable An appropriate representation of the requested resource /_vti_bin/_vti_aut/author.exe could not be found on this server. Apache/1.3.37 Server at www.yourdomain.net Port 80
Or if Frontpage complains that the extensions are not installed, please try this fix.
Before attempting this fix please ensure you have read the Official Microsoft Frontpage Publishing Thread and verify that none of the circumstances apply to you, and you are properly configured in Frontpage.
Go into you cPanel > File manager
Once inside, click the ICON (the image of the little folder) for the public_html directory.
Once inside public_html you will see a file called:
Click the text for .htaccess to select that file. Once selected, options will be presented to you.
Choose the option to "edit file"
Without changing any other information in this file, go all the way to the very top of the file, then start a new line, and enter in this line of code.
SecFilterEngine Off
Your finished product will resemble this:
SecFilterEngine Off
# -FrontPage-
And lots of other information will remain below that.
Make sure no other text shares this line that you just typed into .htaccess.
Save the file using the available options in the file manager.
Now try to publish again and see how it goes.