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Thread: [Email] Problems sending e-mail in Outlook

  1. #1
    jamison is offline Nearly a Glow Sage
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    Default [Email] Problems sending e-mail in Outlook

    I had this come up with a client and promised Matt I would add the solution to the forum.
    The client purchased a new computer and couldn't send e-mail form Outlook.The problem was not Outlook or the server, but the client's firewall. It was blocking Outlook every time a message was sent. The error message was "no response from server". The client disabled the Anti-Virus program and the associated fire wall. The e-mail worked perfectly. The AV program and firewall was enabled and a new rule established (this often happens automatically) and the problem was solved. Hope this helps.

  2. #2
    hero_hont's Avatar
    hero_hont is offline No longer a Newbie
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    thanks you about topic "Problems sending email in outlook".I am using gmail and usuall use outlook check and concent my.
    If you are using Outlook, or Outlook Express - you need to make sure in the account setup, that the box for "My server requires authentication" is checked and that the "Use same settings as my incoming mail" radio button is checked. (All of this is on the "servers" tab in the account setup). Try to "receive" or "check" mail before trying to send your email again.

  3. #3
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline GlowHost Administrator
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    Behind your monitor


    Thanks to you both. That should solve some of the most common issues with email.

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