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Thread: Wordpress with Comicpress wigging out on me

  1. #1
    Jinsoku is offline Almost no longer a newbie!
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    Default Wordpress with Comicpress wigging out on me

    So I've been using Word Press with the Comic Press add-on since about March without any issues. What Comic Press is, if no one knows, is that it allows a nice and easy interface integrated with Word Press to have a webcomic up and running.

    Anyway, updating my comic a few weeks ago, and uploading it and having Wordpress take care of it came up with this:

    Warning: escapeshellcmd() has been disabled for security reasons in  /home/ediotsne/public_html/engine/wp-content/plugins/comicpress-manager/comicpress_manager_admin.php  on line 1156 
    Warning: exec() [function.exec]: Cannot execute a blank command in  /home/ediotsne/public_html/engine/wp-content/plugins/comicpress-manager/comicpress_manager_admin.php  on line 1158 
    Warning: escapeshellcmd() has been disabled for security reasons in  /home/ediotsne/public_html/engine/wp-content/plugins/comicpress-manager/comicpress_manager_admin.php  on line 1156 
    Warning: exec() [function.exec]: Cannot execute a blank command in  /home/ediotsne/public_html/engine/wp-content/plugins/comicpress-manager/comicpress_manager_admin.php  on line 1158 
    Warning: escapeshellcmd() has been disabled for security reasons in  /home/ediotsne/public_html/engine/wp-content/plugins/comicpress-manager/comicpress_manager_admin.php  on line 1156 
    Warning: exec() [function.exec]: Cannot execute a blank command in  /home/ediotsne/public_html/engine/wp-content/plugins/comicpress-manager/comicpress_manager_admin.php  on line 1158 
    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by  (output started at  /home/ediotsne/public_html/engine/wp-content/plugins/comicpress-manager/comicpress_manager_admin.php:1156)  in /home/ediotsne/public_html/engine/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line  890
    I had not changed anything in the code, done any updates, nor does anyone else place a hand on the website's coding or any such thing. I've spoken with one of the creators of the Comic Press add-on and he seems to say it's one of two things:

    1 - Your configuration for the thumbnail directories is awry.

    2 - Your hosting is not allowing shell exec commands apparently, which means you won't be able to generate thumbnails.
    Well, I've double, triple, and quadruple checked my directory settings, reset them, reconfigured them, and I haven't gotten anywhere with this. I'm wondering if Glowhost has changed anything in which how things are run? Thankfully, I'm still able to run my website with updates normally (it will thankfully still upload the comics) but I now have to constantly see that screen of errors and now my uploads don't have thumbnails, which was just nice.

    Any help? And thanks for taking the time.

    edit - oh yeah, i guess posting my website would help. It's and I'm running off the Olga server.

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline GlowHost Administrator
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    Well, that error says that your script needs escapeshellcmd and exec enabled not shell_exec. You can enable escapeshellcmd and exec but doing so opens up several security holes. Make sure your scripts are always up to date when they are running using overrides of our recommended settings.

    Try going to the /comicpress-manager directory and uploading a file called php.ini that has the following line of code:

    disable_functions =  allow_url_fopen,show_source,system,passthru,popen,proc_open,proc_close,proc_terminate,proc_get_status,proc_nice,readfile,escapeshellarg,ini_alter,parse_ini_file,show_source
    Last edited by Matt; 10-01-2012 at 08:44 PM.
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