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Thread: How to back up website?

  1. #1
    cornnfedd is offline Working on Master Status
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    Default How to back up website?

    previously when backing up my website I have just made a zipped back up copy on the server then downloaded in through my ftp program, then delete from server.

    now my site is over the 50% size i cannot do this obviously dont have enough room.

    how do I zip a copy of the site and download??

  2. #2
    Alexander's Avatar
    Alexander is offline Technical Analyst
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    Well, the best way to make a backup is to use Backup option in your Cpanel. You can find a variety of backup options. Also, Backup Wizard option can be used, and the results are the same - you'll get backups of your files.

  3. #3
    cornnfedd is offline Working on Master Status
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    hi alex,

    i think you misunderstood what I was saying.

    i have been using that previously which is ok because it saves a copy to my account, then i download that zipped file using ftp. If i am over 50% of my account space i cannot back up and save to my account becuase i will have run out of space. How do i back up the site (in zipped) and download without having a copy on my account?

    i hope that makes sense.

  4. #4
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline GlowHost Administrator
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    You need to upgrade your diskspace in that case but why not use ftp to download the site instead then just make backups of your DB, alias and filter files using the cpanel backup manager?

    Full backups generally are taken when you are migrating the site to another server.
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  5. #5
    cornnfedd is offline Working on Master Status
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    yup i wanted to somehow zip first so the download would be smaller.

    i thought there was someway to do it directly.

    ironically i have just upgraded my account now so have plenty of space!!

    thanks for the answers.

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