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Thread: Help - Pages went missing!!

  1. #1
    sjwalker is offline Almost no longer a newbie!
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    Default Help - Pages went missing!!

    I have designed a large website in Frontpage 2002 and this morning discovered that several pages and pictures have just disappeared - off the site and off my computer! On my computer it reads:
    Server error: There is no page with URL 'admin.htm' in this web.
    There was yesterday!!
    I made a full backup Sept 24th. Is there a way to recover that?

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline GlowHost Administrator
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    Ahhh the joys of Frontpage. I'd need to know the domain name either here or in a trouble ticket at the helpdesk if you prefer to keep it private. Depending on your hosting package, we may or may not have a backup that old. I'll have to check for you.
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