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Thread: Frontpage email form address from field

  1. #1
    monkette is offline Practically a Glow Sage
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    Feb 2005

    Question Frontpage email form address from field

    Now that I have my frontpage forms working correctly and am being emailed the results, my problem is now that the from address is being listed as instead of . I've added the hostmaster account via the control panel but I don't know how to make it the default address. I would like the email to be listed as from: .
    Thanks for your help in advance.
    "Chew slowly."

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline GlowHost Administrator
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    You'll have to consult the Frontpage manual or ask Microsoft directly for the specifics of their form mailer. However, most every formamail script including the one we offer has the ability to make this work correctly.

    My question is why would you want it coming from instead of from the email address your user types in the form? With our script and every one I have seen (not sure about FrontPage) if you make one of the variables on the form called "email" then if you user types in then the form comes from instead of hostmaster or the mailserver itself (fran).

    This means when the form comes in your email box all you have to do is hit the reply button and it goes to the person you wanted to speak with instead of having to compose a new email from scratch.

    Try the formmail tutorial in the knowledge base if your Frontpage form gets you hung up.
    Last edited by Matt; 02-21-2005 at 12:05 AM.
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