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Thread: Ddos

  1. #1
    nursepower is offline No longer a Newbie
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    Default Ddos

    Does glowhost have anything in place to prevent DDOS's. I just launched a site and am terrified I might get DDos'd ....Is there any thing extra I can do to protect my site?

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline GlowHost Administrator
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    Do your past sites have a history of DDoS? I would not worry about it too much though it does happen from time to time it usually does not affect just one site if it happens it can affect every server in the building if it is large enough. Its rare someone holds a grudge against an arbitrary site owner and decides to DDoS them. Typically its because you have something they want.

    Most shared hosting sites don't have anything that someone initiating a DDoS would want, or spend the time and effort into launching a DDoS.

    But yes, when they are detected there are various packet filters in place that will drop unwanted packets in the event of a DDos attack. In most cases if they do occur they only last a few minutes with the exception of the highly skilled attacks which are rare. Most of them are from canned exploits with known fixes. I've only seen a handful of attacks that lasted more than 30 minutes and of those I can count one in 7 years of hosting that actually rendered nearly every site unreachable.
    Last edited by Matt; 06-12-2006 at 11:34 PM.
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  3. #3
    nursepower is offline No longer a Newbie
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    Thank you very much Matt. I have never personally experienced one, but a lot of autosurf sites I am a part of receive them regularly and I just don't want htat to happen to me and if it does, I'd like to know what to do.

  4. #4
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline GlowHost Administrator
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    I don't know what an autosurf site is.

    But if one does happen there is not much you can do at your level. Its up to the datacenter to stop them at the main routers/firewall/etc, then in the rare event it is aimed at one or more of our units, and packets are still slipping by the datacenter's own filters there is additional filtering that can be done at the affected rack(s) and at the server level itself if it is directed at a particular unit.

    If they do happen, we will know about it before most users notice a problem even exists, and already be working on a correction to the same.
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