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Thread: All wordpress sites suddenly slow!

  1. #11
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline GlowHost Administrator
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    Yeah they were stuck in queue because of the links before ten posts.

    See my post above and let us know how it goes.
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  2. #12
    dixonge is offline Junior Web Sage
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    Nov 2011


    Yeah, I'm making a list and I can find no pattern here.

    Older sites:
    Site 1 - TwentyEleven theme loads fine and fast, TwentyTen has the long delay
    Site 2 - no theme loads fast - has identical delay to Site 1
    Site 3 - TwentyEleven and TwentyTen BOTH load fine and fast!

    Newer sites (within the last 30 days)
    Site 4 - Both TwentyEleven and TwentyTen themes load slow
    Site 5 - Same

    I'm going to try reinstalling WordPress on these last two as a starting point, then I'll work on the auto-install into a new subdirectory...
    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    So then I suppose we are back into the code optimizations realm.

    Can you try to install wordpress using the script installer in cPanel into a subdirectory on one of those accounts?

  3. #13
    dixonge is offline Junior Web Sage
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    Forgot one:

    Site 6 - Slow on TwentyTen and one other theme, fast as can be on TwentyEleven!

  4. #14
    dixonge is offline Junior Web Sage
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    So then I suppose we are back into the code optimizations realm.

    Can you try to install wordpress using the script installer in cPanel into a subdirectory on one of those accounts?
    I did that, and so did GlowHost support desk. Both ran just fine, no delays after the header.

    It looks like I may have originally installed Vagabondians using Softaculous but did updates from the WordPress dashboard. Still wouldn't make any difference on the other sites though...

  5. #15
    dixonge is offline Junior Web Sage
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    I don't know for sure if this is related, but I did also discover that I got hacked due to the TimThumb vulnerability. I have deleted all of the themes using this script and a vulnerability scanner says I'm clean now, but I did find some hacker scripts on the server too. I don't know if someone wants to look at them first, or if I should just delete them. It would probably be good if someone could scan my whole partition too...

  6. #16
    David I is offline Newbie
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    Sure, we are scanning you account now, we will provide you with the result in the ticket.

    We also suggest you to read the following article:
    How to Prevent your Website from Being Hacked | GlowHost Blog

  7. #17
    dixonge is offline Junior Web Sage
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    Just to update, as infected files are removed and clean themes are activated, all slowness goes away. Consider this thread resolved!

    Still working with support in ticket to make sure everything is clean.

  8. #18
    dixonge is offline Junior Web Sage
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    Even though this hack was due to a vulnerability in a PHP file, I went ahead and changed my GlowHost and cPanel passwords, beefing them up while I was at it. Fortunately I have LastPass so I can both generate and remember long, truly secure passwords! Thanks again to David and Matt for all your help!

  9. #19
    Join Date
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    Definitely sounds like a code issue to me. Maybe in the theme? Also, have you tried optimizing the db? Lastly, are you using JetPack from That's a big time performance killer.

  10. #20
    gavind is offline Banned
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    Just a quick one. Are there notification emails sent every time there is an outage?
    Last edited by AndrewGlow; 06-06-2012 at 05:59 PM.

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