We are evaluating Microsoft Exchange Server for an upgraded email option you guys and gals as some of you have expressed interest in the product.

I'd like some feedback if any of you are interested in it. Our solution will be fully managed and redundant that guarantees 100% uptime for the Exchange Service.

Basically the service will gain you a control panel so that you can create and manage the email address, each inbox comes with a copy of Microsoft Outlook, and there are some handy addons for portable devices like Blackberry and other smartphones so that you can sync your calenders and such. It also comes with OWA which is webmail for the exchange server.

Pricing per inbox will be about $15.00 per month and will be sold in blocks of 5 per domain.

There is a poll at the top of this thread if you simply prefer to vote yes or no.

If you have any questions or comments please let us know.