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Thread: Chapman Tornado

  1. #1
    rlhanson's Avatar
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    Default Chapman Tornado

    My family, our house, and I made it through the tornado unscathed and very blessed.

    Currently without power, gas, and have to boil water but are able to return to our homes during off-curfew hours.

    The devastation of our town is incomprehensible.

    Chopper 5 Images: Chapman Tornado Damage - Photos - KCTV Kansas City

    The American Red Cross is handing out everything from bottled water to dog food, and grilling food for people trying to clean up the debris. Please consider making a donation for all of their wonderful support.

    American Red Cross: Donate Now

    Talk to you all soon!
    Thank you,
    Lynne Hanson
    RL Hanson-Online

  2. #2
    charlesh's Avatar
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    Thank Goodness you guys are OK. It's really been bad this year.

  3. #3
    Matt's Avatar
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    Wow, yeah, what Charles said....Glad you escaped unscathed... Is that a regular thing where you live?
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  4. #4
    rlhanson's Avatar
    rlhanson is offline Master Glow Jedi
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    Thanks for the kind words Charles and Matt!

    Thanks to a wonderful client - we are now on backup generator power and I am breathing easier knowing I might be able to get some work done this week. (And possibly walk around after dark without a candle/flashlight.) lol
    I haven't been able to sleep as I'm not doing anything normal - read the newspaper by flashlight last night to unwind. Everything is just weird.

    Chapman hasn't been hit in 40 years, so regular? I don't know. lol I surely hope not. Kansas has quite a few tornadoes every year, but they don't usually travel down I-70 (from what I've noticed anyway).

    It hit one block away south and east sides of our home. I woke up to field debri from the farm down the road in my yard and a bush (stands 10' tall) bent in half in the backyard - so very close. We all went in the shelter and heard it hit, felt the shelter door flex, but nothing compared to what our neighbors experienced.

    The pictures just don't really show what it feels like to drive through town - it reminds me of a war zone. We have to wear these neon bracelets to show we are residents and authorized in the area, a curfew enforced, helicopters and news crews. We head to junction city to take showers everyday and get fresh food as we had to throw out everything.

    The Salvation Army, World Relief, American Red Cross, Sheriff, Police Departments, Highway Troopers, Churches - everybody is out here helping. I saw an American flag mounted to a tree trunk, and another onto the back of a pick-up truck this morning.
    I don't think I'll ever forget this.

    I feel so good to be back on the board! lol
    Thank you,
    Lynne Hanson
    RL Hanson-Online

  5. #5
    charlesh's Avatar
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    I've been watching the local Wichita news and have seen the pictures out of Chapman. It really looks like Greensberg did when it got hit. Total devastation. It's good that so many people came up to help, too, and from what I hear they are having to turn people away who want to volunteer due to not enough facilities for those volunteers.

    I was driving home two nights ago and into a large, grey-green dark black cloud with lots of lightning. I had to stay in my car when I got home because of inch size hail falling. When I finally made a run for it, I went inside and turned on the news. They said that a small tornado had touched down not far from my house. I was certainly on the lookout for it, and didn't see anything. There was no damage, so it could have been a false alarm.

    So, yes, tornadoes are frequent in KS and OK, but mainly they occur out in the middle of nowhere. It's only when they hit a town that it is really bad.


  6. #6
    rlhanson's Avatar
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    We now have power, gas, and drinking water again! Just waiting for my business phone line to be repaired! YAY!

    I'm excited to go grocery shopping again and have something to look at when I open my refrigerator. lol

    I still feel bad about my community/neighbors but am starting to claim our blessings!

    I am back to work again! What a relief!
    Thank you,
    Lynne Hanson
    RL Hanson-Online

  7. #7
    Websync is offline What's a Guru? I want to be a GlowRu!
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    Lynne, I am so glad that you and your family are ok. What a nightmare! Absolutely devastating to see what happened in Chapman.

    Glad things are getting turned back on and that you are back to work now. It helps to have some normalcy. Take care.

  8. #8
    rlhanson's Avatar
    rlhanson is offline Master Glow Jedi
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    Thank you so much for your kind words!
    Thank you,
    Lynne Hanson
    RL Hanson-Online

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