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Thread: Calls from Domain Registry Support

  1. #1
    Matt's Avatar
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    Default Calls from Domain Registry Support

    These guys are ridiculous.

    They call you based on information they find on out dated WHOIS records. One just called here inquiring about a domain name that we had not held for over a year, if not longer.

    This is the second time these chuckleheads have called me personally. I guess that will teach me to leave my private cell # on any domains

    This smells almost like the Domain Registry of America slamming practices by their tactics, though I really was not able to figure out exactly what they wanted. I an only have my suspicions.

    So the phone call goes like this:

    Matt: Hello this is Matt

    The Other End: ......pause......

    Matt: Thinks.....Oh great, a telemarketer... I could have sworn I was on the "do not call list." Oh, and they are calling my cell phone? Hmmm. Mad before I even started talking.....

    The Other End: This is Domain Name Support and I am calling about your contact information for (insert domain here)....

    Matt: Who are you with?

    DRS: This is Joe with Domain Registry Support.
    (Joe? LOL. There are no "Joe's" where this guy was calling from)

    Matt: Domain Registry Support for Who?

    DRS: This is Domain Registry Support.

    Matt: Yeah, I got that. But for what registrar are you calling from?

    DRS: Domain Registry Support. (now sounding somewhat annoyed at me)

    Matt: Okay, lets try this another way, what is it you are trying to sell me?

    DRS: We are not trying to sell you anything. We just need your current contact information for (insert domain here)

    Matt: I am not going to give you my contact information until you tell me who you work for and what it is you want...

    ---This is where it gets really bizarre, and I really don't remember the exact words of the conversation at this point because I was concentrating on how bizarre this person was on the other end of the line.

    Next thing I know he is yelling at me.

    Imagine it! They call me on my cell phone, in the middle of a work day, ask me for my private contact information, then scream at me when I don't give it to them.

    Quite the event I must say. A stranger calls and in less than 30 seconds a screaming match erupts. Funny part is I think "Joe" was the one that hung up on me. First time a telemarketer every hung up on me!

    It was so bizarre I just thought I would post about it in the forums and see who else this has happened to. I know it's not just me.

    I am wondering what happened to those that actually gave them their contact info.
    Last edited by Matt; 01-09-2007 at 07:24 PM.
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  2. #2
    andychev's Avatar
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    Guess what i had through the post this morning!

    A lovely letter from the cowboys at 'domain registry of america' saying one of my domains is due to expire and an invoice for its renewal.

    I feel quite sorry for the people who receive these letters and for want of a better word get 'conned' into renewing their domain with these people at their ridiculous prices, £18 for a years registration on a .com, around $40 - $45!

    They are so cleverly worded that the 'average joe' (possibly a uk term?!) would be so scared they would use them. Gets me fuming!

    Advice to anyone who gets one, Shred It!

  3. #3
    Matt's Avatar
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    Yeah, we have a thread on Domain registry of America too

    Domain registry Support actually calls you on the phone. I would not be surprised to find out they were the same company.
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  4. #4
    FrankT's Avatar
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    Default The Friendly Folks At Domain Registry of America

    I just got a letter from DRA; it does imply that my domain name will be sold off to bounders, cads, and ne'er-do-wells if they don't receive a payment from me by return mail.

    I signed in to my account and see that my domain isn't up for renewal until February of 2007. Which really isn't that far away, but I jolly well won't be using DRA to renew.

    Do I renew through glowhost, or through another party? I can't recall how I set up the domain name in the first place.

    But thanks for the warning about DRA!

  5. #5
    Matt's Avatar
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    Sure no problemo.

    Put a link to your site in your forum signature if you want to gain some extra traffic from our site to yours. Plus that way I can look it up for you

    I need to run a WHOIS on the domain to see what you need to do about renewal. if you dont want to make it public, just PM me or open a trouble ticket.
    Last edited by Matt; 10-12-2006 at 05:48 PM.
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  6. #6
    FrankT's Avatar
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    Default Thanks!

    Thanks, Matt!

    My site is:

    I'll add it to my sig, too.

  7. #7
    Matt's Avatar
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    In your case Frank, you have a free domain name so our system is going to invoice you like a regular hosting bill in February. Then if you pay for your February bill, we will renew the domain at no charge for you.
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  8. #8
    FrankT's Avatar
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    Hey, that's easy enough!

    Thanks for checking. If I get 'the call' from DRA, I'll do my Chinese restaurant thing and read the menu over and over until they hang up.

  9. #9
    Matt's Avatar
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    These guys just called me again. Since I own about 100 domains I assume I have about 97 calls more to come.

    This time I will do you all a favor. I got the number from called ID this time, so feel free to add it to your blocked callers

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  10. #10
    SallyDP is offline Junior Web Sage
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    My God! I thought all that information was kept confidential! I mean, I know about the WHOIS, but I actually never paid attention to the data. I've seen addresses, but I don't remember seeing phone numbers. I guess that is something to be aware for me in the future! Thanks for sharing the info!

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