Guys and Gals, Boys and Girls-
If you have been considering a dedicated server from, now is the time to order it. We have had them on sale for a month or so now and we can only let 3 more servers go at these prices. These are at absolute rock bottom right now for BRAND NEW machines, custom built to order. Once we fill 3 more orders these machines go back to regular price.
If you have not seen the brand new lineup, you should check it out.
Why is this sale so great? Because each brand new machine includes:
Please take a minute to see what we have available at the link below:
- Complimentary 160 backup drive (Save $250)
- Backup configuration service
- Free Setup (Save $199)
- $30 or more off of the regular monthly price...for life!
- And all the other great stuff that our resellers are used to...
Managed Dedicated Servers
Now is the time to order if you have been considering a dedicated server. Once these 3 units are gone, they are gone. It is very unlikely we will have any more sales until after the new year, so grab them up while there is still time. Good luck!