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Thread: Domain name reseller accounts

  1. #11
    Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lgutman View Post
    As part of this reseller deal is hosting for clients. Who is doing the hosting, as in what company?

    Not sure I understand the question exacty. As a reseller, you would be considered the web host, even though it is GlowHost who owns the servers.
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  2. #12
    lgutman is offline No longer a Newbie
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    Default Domain Name reseller

    I was referring to the domain name reseller program that you are offering. If someone buys a DNS name through me as a reseller setup through InstaPro and does an add on for web hosting where does the hosting of a web based account take place with InstaPro or GlowHost?



  3. #13
    Matt's Avatar
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    if you have a domain reseller account, they can host it through your domain reseller account which is hosted by Wild West Domains, or, you can disable the hosting service offered on that site and link to a hosting service on your own website.

    The clients have full DNS management so they can host wherever they want.
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  4. #14
    Christopher's Avatar
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    Hey Matt doe the two free months still go with domain reseller package? even though I now have a VPN plan?

  5. #15
    kyleglow You Are Posting As A Guest - Please Register or Log In


    I think this is the answer you're looking for...

    We host you and you host your clients. Instapro is for domain services.

  6. #16
    Christopher's Avatar
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    That part I get, but the offer was register for a instapro domain reseller package and get two months free of glowhost hosting plans. But that was a while ago.

  7. #17
    Matt's Avatar
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    You get 2 free months of hosting or up to the full value of the reseller account credited to your next month(s) hosting bill. Yes, the offer is still available actually, the details are here:

    Free Wild West Domains Reseller Account

    For example:

    • If you were on a reseller plan at $24.95/mo) and purchased the "Basic Reseller" ($59.99/year) plan from instaPro, you would receive a $49.90 credit ($24.95 x 2) towards your existing GlowHost web hosting reseller account.

    • If you are a GlowHost Hosting reseller that is currently paying $44.95/mo and purchase a domain "Basic Reseller" plan from InstaPro @ $59.99/year, we will credit the entire $59.99 fee.

    • If you are a web hosting reseller that is currently paying $84.95/mo and you purchased the "Pro Reseller" ($159.99/year) you would receive $159.99 credit applied towards your GlowHost reseller hosting account.
    Last edited by Matt; 07-24-2008 at 02:19 PM.
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  8. #18
    Christopher's Avatar
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    thanks matt!

  9. #19
    rlhanson's Avatar
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    I signed up for InstaPro a couple of months ago and I really like the service.

    The only issue I have is that I will have to pay to transfer all the domains I've registered through goDaddy if I want to use the instapro service for them. But I checked with goDaddy and you have to do that with their reseller plan also - even if they're registered through their site (and it's more expensive, and you don't get the credit with GH!).

    I originally didn't take the time to change the colors, header, etc. but since have and really like the way it appears to be part of my site.

    I want to eventually do a form that redirects to my cart for renewals or to instapro for new domains.... forms again! lol
    Thank you,
    Lynne Hanson
    RL Hanson-Online

  10. #20
    Matt's Avatar
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    So lets see your domain reseller site (if you want to disclose it of course)
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