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Thread: Spamassasin guide

  1. #1
    Russ Taylor is offline Newbie
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    Sep 2012

    Default Spamassasin guide


    I have search the knowledgebase, but I think there is maybe something up with my email account.

    For the past few months I've suffered a reasonable amount of spam, about 20 emails a day. They're generally in the same format, and the same things over and over.

    I enabled spamassasin on a 5, but nothing has changed, same emails each day.

    I believe I was supposed to have a spam folder in my imap account, one didn't exist, so I added a folder called spam. Since then nothing has gone into it automatically.

    I have been moving my spam messages to the Spam folder (is capitilisation important?) hoping that it might learn from these or build rules on them, or at least they might be useful when I get it working.

    What am I missing please? I'm getting pretty sick of filtering them myself each day and don't want to open a new mail account.

    Thank you for your help


  2. #2
    GlowAlex is offline Master Glow Jedi
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    Hello Russ,

    Please open a trouble ticket and provide details of your account and problematic email accounts.

    Thank you.

  3. #3
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is online now GlowHost Administrator
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    I am not sure about other email programs, but I assume they have similar functionality to Thunderbird.

    In Thunderbird, you train the program to detect spam that is not already detected by SpamAssassin. Then, anything that Thunderbird detects, or SpamAssassin has flagged as spam gets delived to a special folder which is created, called Junk.

    To set this folder up, go to the settings for the particular address, click "Junk Settings" and check the box "Trust junk mail headers sent by" and choose "SpamAssassin" from the dropdown menu.

    Then check "Move new junk messages to:" and select the radio button for the junk folder on the desired address.
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  4. #4
    Russ Taylor is offline Newbie
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    Sep 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    I am not sure about other email programs, but I assume they have similar functionality to Thunderbird.

    In Thunderbird, you train the program to detect spam that is not already detected by SpamAssassin. Then, anything that Thunderbird detects, or SpamAssassin has flagged as spam gets delived to a special folder which is created, called Junk.

    To set this folder up, go to the settings for the particular address, click "Junk Settings" and check the box "Trust junk mail headers sent by" and choose "SpamAssassin" from the dropdown menu.

    Then check "Move new junk messages to:" and select the radio button for the junk folder on the desired address.
    Hi Matt,

    Thanks for that, I use Thunderbird as well so that's handy to know.

    I raised a support ticket and Alex worked his magic, so far 100% perfect and a spam folder collecting the rubbish.

    As it's going well atm I won't change anything, but will bear that in mind for the future.

    Thanks again

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