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Thread: HTML Editor/WysiwygPro

  1. #1
    htfiddler is offline Junior Web Sage
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    Default HTML Editor/WysiwygPro

    Hi ... I started this query under the thread, "cPanel and WHM Documentation", however it really belongs in it's own thread, so am starting this new one. In the previous thread I wrote and Matt replied:

    I am currently looking for docs on the File Manager. All I can find is this single very short page:

    cPanel - cPanel 11 Documentation : Files - Using The File Manager

    which says nothing about this very nice and robust HTML Editor I just discovered in there. I never saw it before ... must be relatively new. I played with it for 15 minutes and got stuck several times. Finally tried right clicking and realized, "Oh, that's how you do it!" Seems though that a tool with so many features would have some docs available. Any idea where to find them?

    One thing I haven't figured out yet is how to create a new page. If I don't select an existing .htm file in the File Manager, and I click on the HTML Editor icon up top, nothing happens. Maybe we have to copy and rename an existing .htm file to get a jump start on a new page? Even once the Editor is open, I don't see any way to create a new page.

    > Matt:
    > New file perhaps?
    Yes ... that worked. I had to create the new file from File Manager first, gave it an .htm extension. Then I could go in an edit with HTML Editor. Thx Matt!

    And another thing ... how do we edit the background image and page properties? That's not obvious either. Docs are definitely needed!

    > Matt:
    > Of what?
    I.e. How do we define a background image for the html page?
    I.e. How do we define the text that goes on the title bar of the page?

    Also, I just noticed that I can click back and forth between Design and Source modes just fine. However, if go to Preview, it shows the Preview, but I can't get back to Design or Source. I end up with the yellow triangle/exclamation + "Error on page" down on my browser's status bar. Is this happening to anyone else?


  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
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    How to add page titles and background color? I think thats beyond the scope of documentation of a wysiwyg editor.

    RLHanson has recommended some good HTML tutorials. This should cover all the basics of HTML design from scratch.
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  3. #3
    htfiddler is offline Junior Web Sage
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    Is this just me, or can anyone else reproduce this one?:

    Also, I just noticed that I can click back and forth between Design and Source modes just fine. However, if go to Preview, it shows the Preview, but I can't get back to Design or Source. I end up with the yellow triangle/exclamation + "Error on page" down on my browser's status bar. Is this happening to anyone else?

  4. #4
    htfiddler is offline Junior Web Sage
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    Just tried it on a couple of other machines. The problem persists from Internet Explorer v6. It doesn't happen from Mozilla Firefox.

  5. #5
    Matt's Avatar
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    Operator error + JS error?
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  6. #6
    htfiddler is offline Junior Web Sage
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    Please elaborate.

  7. #7
    rlhanson's Avatar
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    htfiddler -

    I just tried everything you mention, so here goes to elaborate on "how to" and reproduction of your errors:

    1. To create a new page in file manager, you click new page, then name your page with the extension, then determine the placement directory (ex> public_html/this directory/...) - which you have already figured out, as well as the following....

    2. Right click file name, html editor
    3. Create paragraph content within the body of the page. Save page.

    As far as the errors - in IE - I believe the editor has some sort of misconfiguration as you are correct in saying that you can switch between design and source, however if you click preview you get a javascript error, page can't be displayed and cannot toggle back to design mode. You actually have to click back 2 x to get back to the design mode. Matt? is that a cpanel upgrade feature or something you guys had to configure?

    Background image and title. This editor only allows you to edit the main content of the page. If you want to edit any body tags or meta tags you will have to actually download and edit the source of the file. The editor basically takes place of a text area field which produces the correct html code to display on page which already has all the source code in it.
    In other words, the page you create has the html, head, title, body tags in place. When you use the editor you are editing here:
    HTML Code:
    <body><p>content you create in the editor</p>
    Does that help you at least understand the role of the editor. Feasibly you could create a page with the title, background, and meta tags and upload to your ftp, and then use the editor to place or tweak content of the main page body. Does that make sense?

    Do read the html tutorials htfiddler - it will help sooo much!
    Thank you,
    Lynne Hanson
    RL Hanson-Online

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by rlhanson View Post
    Matt? is that a cpanel upgrade feature or something you guys had to configure?
    If that is the case it is a cPanel bug and should be reported. Their forums are OK to post this, but if you want a resolution, it should be reported with detailed steps on how to reproduce the problem to cPanel Bugzilla Main Page so that a fix can be made available in one of the next few releases.

    Not much we can do to fix it since we update cPanel every night, this would seem to be a bug in their latest releases, so should be reported.
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  9. #9
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    i dont know may just IE 6 dont understand that pattern..

  10. #10
    gfms is offline Newbie
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    The bad news is that the WYSIWIG Pro add on to C Panel is no longer supported by the creator. C Panel indicates they are currently working on the fix as the WWPro is all but useless now.

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