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Thread: cPanel price increase

  1. #1
    aldan is offline Newbie
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    Default cPanel price increase

    just got the email about the price increase, this is what I understand from it:

    cPanel's justification for the price increase is that hardware is better now, than when they released cPanel 20 years ago. Additionally, there were substantially fewer customers that used cPanel 20 years ago
    so, 1) they are increasing the price of the SOFTWARE because "the HARDWARE is better now"...??? what's the logic in this??, and 2) they increase the price because there are more customers now than 20 years ago... really?? that is a reason to DECREASE the price, so you get even more customers... who do you think you are? american health insurance company?... how much money do you guys want to make?...

    so I say: dump 'em...

    The other thing I understand is that GlowHost, like every other reputable company, is going to pass on the cost to the consumers, us... just great.

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
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    The real reason this happened, (which they aren't going to tell you) is that they were acquired by a hosting industry consolidator, about a year back. The same people that own Plesk. I am sure their investors want a return on their investment and they are putting the squeeze on all of cPanel's customer base to try and get it. I don't think they foresaw so many hosts wanting to dump them, and they definitely did not consider all business models that rely upon their panel. Many hosts will be closing their doors, primarily the ones that offer hosting for a dollar, which is fine by me as they are bad for the industry and is bad for the customers.

    While yes, there may be a slight price increase, we're going to keep it minimal. The people most affected by this are going to be resellers because they will now be required to have account limits, but I think the plans we are working on are going to be pretty sweet for most people, given the circumstances.
    Last edited by Matt; 08-30-2019 at 04:09 PM.
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  3. #3
    Larry's Avatar
    Larry is offline Customer Care
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    Thank you for expressing your concerns!

    One thing I do want to add onto Matt's response, is that we at GlowHost are working hard to lessen the impact to our customers. There are many ideas being exchanged within our team. I'm quite proud actually, because very idea involves putting our customers first.

    We will keep everyone informed on any updates.

  4. #4
    aldan is offline Newbie
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    Aug 2019


    thank you, guys

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