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Thread: Need help!!

  1. #1
    WilliamWright is offline Newbie
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    Default Need help!!

    What is SSD-hosting and how do I select the best web hosting provider?

  2. #2
    Alexander's Avatar
    Alexander is offline Technical Analyst
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    SSD Hosting is servers that have SSD drives instead of traditional hard disks. But in the Webhosting industry, 95% of the time you won't even notice whether your server uses an SSD or not.

    GlowHost provides servers with SSD drives for people who request them, but most of our customers prefer HDDs due to their lower cost and considerably larger disk space they provide.

    SSD drives may be good for I/O (input / output) intensive applications, like servers with huge databases or media servers, but
    I'd say they are truly good for laptops which are shoved into their bags indiscriminately, since they have better durability and no moving parts that can damage the disks, While servers are not often moved from place to place. At the same time, SSD drives also break, they are not 100% reliable.

    As for the best webhosting provider, the choice is obvious, it is GlowHost of course!

    Just try our services and you will see that it is true. With our 91 day industry leading money back guarantee, under 20 minute response time and industry leading service levels, you can be assured GlowHost is the right choice.
    Last edited by Matt; 12-16-2014 at 03:16 PM.

  3. #3
    David I is offline Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by jacobwallace View Post
    Solid State Disk drives use non-volatile memory to store information. Unlike regular volatile memory (RAM), this means that the data isn’t lost when power is disconnected.
    It is not correct compare SSD and RAM, they have different purpose.

  4. #4
    nomanali is offline Banned
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    So which one is better?
    or H
    ard disks?

  5. #5
    David I is offline Newbie
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    As usual, everything depends on your needs. There is no need to pay too much for something what wouldn't be used.

    Please let us know if you have specific requirements to your sites/services and we will find best hardware.
    Last edited by GlowHost-Daniel; 08-31-2015 at 04:24 PM.

  6. #6
    Sean9568 is offline Nearly a Glow Sage
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    SSD (Solid State Drive) is the latest type of computer storage device and are now being increasingly used in the hosting industry. Traditional hard drives have limited ability to read and write data. With SSD data is read and written electronically with high speed.

  7. #7
    allessia9999 is offline Banned
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    SSD hosting is one of the best trends nowadays. It is the replacement of the HDD drives for high performance of the websites.

    The SSD hosting using SSD drives are specifically used by the web hosting servers. Using SSD drives we can increase the speed, security, and stability of the websites.

    And to select best web hosting provider, first, you need to understand the requirements of your project. If you plan to build a new project or website for your business or personal, make a rough note of what kind of website you want to build? Do you require any special applications? Does it need software? How competitive your website can go? Get to know the complete hosting requirements before you could pay and decide to choose a hosting plan for your business.

    There are hundreds of hosting companies options out there that range from local web hosting providers to global hosting providers all of which range in terms of their price and service offerings. you can choose any one who can fullfill your business needs.

  8. #8
    jacobwallace is offline Junior Web Sage
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    SSD hosting services use servers with solid-state discs (SSDs) to store your data. SSDs are the most recent major improvement in data storage technology, resulting in faster and more dependable website hosting than traditional hard-disk drives (HDDs)

    For the best SSD Web Hosting providers you can check on internet, there are many best available provider who can provides many values and qualities.

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