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Thread: Haylee Scheduled Maintenance. Sunday May 13th 10 PM EST

  1. #1
    Matt's Avatar
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    Default Haylee Scheduled Maintenance. Sunday May 13th 10 PM EST

    We were unable to correct the failing hard disk issues on the Haylee server without excessive downtime when we performed the last maintenance on this unit back in April.

    Essentially what would have needed to happen was to install a fresh hard disk, OS and cPanel, configure the server, then unpack the backups from the backup server. This process would likely have taken 6-12 hours to complete so we decided to skip that idea in favor of something that will hopefully have less impact than restoring each site from backups.

    We have a new Haylee replacement server online now and are actively replicating your data and will continue to do so over the next couple of days. On Sunday at 10 PM EST we will perform one final synchronization of your website data and then we will re-route the IP addresses from the old Haylee server to the new Haylee server.

    If all goes well this will be a mostly unnoticeable migration and should only last as long as a typical server reboot which we hope to be 5 minutes or so.

    Please keep in mind as with any scheduled maintenance things sometimes go wrong. If the server is offline we will already know about it and will be working to resolve it. If we have reported the maintenence window as completed, and you are still having issues with your website, please open a ticket at the helpdesk or post your questions/problems here directly in the forums.

    This procedure is usually only offered to our dedicated server customers because of the complexities and costs involved with such a server transfer. We hope you appreciate our commitment to providing you the most possible up-time and performance, and we thank you for hosting with us.
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  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline GlowHost Administrator
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    Jan 2005
    Behind your monitor


    This work has been completed. If you have problems please let us know.
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