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  1. #1
    leedavo is offline Newbie
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    Default I am confused beginner..

    I am absolutely lost, I've read about all these traffic generating services a pay per click service a blog and ping service a submission service bet each will take my hard earned. Can anyone testify to any of these that they are OK. Any help much appreciated..

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline GlowHost Administrator
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    I cant speak for the services above but I have never seen a service that does the work for you, not effectively anyways. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a task that requires lots of work, but the concepts are simple.

    Build pages that are relevant to what you are trying to sell. Make page titles that are relevant to page content. Consider using <h1> <h2> <h3> etc. tags in your source, and definitely do not spam or try to negate the search engines algorithms. Don't get blacklisted for trying to cheat, and using a low cost marketing service is probably going to yield zero to little return, and may end up doing more bad, than good.

    Not that all low cost services are bad, but do your due diligence on the company and make sure the reviews are positive, and unbiased.

    As a great person once said: "If you want the job done right, do it yourself."

    ...and if you don't have the time or patience for that, make sure the person doing it for you is qualified and has references, and a guarantee would help.
    Last edited by Matt; 02-21-2007 at 03:49 AM.
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  3. #3
    Zoffix Znet's Avatar
    Zoffix Znet is offline at 40 posts I am a Junior Guru
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    Thumbs up Just dug up a link

    Just dug up some _FREE_ site submission sites (don't know how good they are, but "..for free - even vinegar is sweet.." <<-- (broken?) (extra clicking) (slow link, or someone is DDoSing them)

    META Tag generator (some search engines might still use those):
    CSS doesn't suck - you suck at CSS.

  4. #4
    SallyDP is offline Junior Web Sage
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    I am impressed with the ammount of information and how so far away I am from knowing anything! Reading this site is an interesting experiment for me, because most of the time, I have no idea of what you guys are taling about! I heard about the traffic generators, but I thought having a website and typing into Google would take you there.... I think my idea for the website will have to wait!

  5. #5
    rlhanson's Avatar
    rlhanson is offline Master Glow Jedi
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    Default Some free tools...

    Google is awesome as far as webmaster tools go for free services which actually lead to some results. Create an account for webmaster tools, create a sitemap, upload the sitemap, authenticate that the site is yours, and Google will begin to index the site.

    For a sitemap generator you can visit:

    Google's Webmaster Tools:

    Google Keyword Tool:
    Thank you,
    Lynne Hanson
    RL Hanson-Online

  6. #6
    gael is offline Almost no longer a newbie!
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    Default yep google has the best SEO services

    yep google has the best SEO services. they give you the ease and the comfort and a realtime, and uptime monitoring for your website, and they also thoroughly analyzes every possible problems.

  7. #7
    rebecca's Avatar
    rebecca is offline Certified Glow Sage
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    Quote Originally Posted by SallyDP View Post
    I am impressed with the ammount of information and how so far away I am from knowing anything! Reading this site is an interesting experiment for me, because most of the time, I have no idea of what you guys are taling about! I heard about the traffic generators, but I thought having a website and typing into Google would take you there.... I think my idea for the website will have to wait!
    I feel exactly the same way, but it does get better with time!!

    Owner of a GREAT clothing fan site hosted by GlowHost

  8. #8
    Christopher's Avatar
    Christopher is offline Nearly a Master Glow Jedi
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    Reading and learning about SEO makes my mind explode. So much to know. . .so little time.

  9. #9
    armadillo's Avatar
    armadillo is offline Junior Web Sage
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    Quote Originally Posted by Christopher View Post
    Reading and learning about SEO makes my mind explode. So much to know. . .so little time.
    When I started reading up on SEO, I was quite surprised how simple the fundamentals were... but just how dense all the information was.

  10. #10
    Caiaphas's Avatar
    Caiaphas is offline Practically a Glow Sage
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    What this guy is saying works! Don't judge books by their covers or so it goes!

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