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Thread: PHP Article Management Script

  1. #1
    gordonb is offline No longer a Newbie
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    Default PHP Article Management Script

    I was wondering if anybody had a good reccomendation for a PHP article management script. I am not really interested in an entire content management script as i want to integrate this with my existing site. key features that I am interested in:

    Ability to output a friendly print version of article
    Email article to a freind
    Assign a category to each article
    Related Article feature
    Ability to display newest/most viewed article
    Track articles by author.

    It would also be nice if all these pieces would act as modules/includes, so I could put them where ever I want on my existing page.

    I really don't want to make a big investment as this is not a commercial site.

    Any reccomendations would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    EmergentMedia is offline No longer a Newbie
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    Default has a nice 'Article Manager' for $299. I think it should meet your criteria. I'm partial to, but it's the full-blown cms that you said you don't want to use.

  3. #3
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    At one time I had some success with the Spaw editor which is pretty nice wysiwyg editor which is a free download and works really well if you want to code your own CMS.

    It does have some limitations like browser and OS compatibility (req. Windows and IE 5.5+) The latest releases may also be available with support for Gecko based browsers like Mozilla.

    Again it is not everything you need but it might make a good module for your own custom article CMS.
    Last edited by admin; 02-18-2005 at 03:01 PM.
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  4. #4
    gordonb is offline No longer a Newbie
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    Thanks for the responses. I am still looking but I think, I may have found one that may be promising. It is from

    It has a nice article manager and also is suppose to allow you do a PHP include of the script on any page you want and pull articles from the script database and allow you to pass paramaters like how many articles to list, how to sort them, etc.

    They are just in the process of releasing version 2.0 and are in beta testing, so it is not available at this time but should be shortly.

    If I use this one, I will follow up on how it worked out.

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