Q. How do I disable Spam Assassin in my cPanel account?

A. Spam Assassin is now enabled Globally on ALL accounts and cannot be disabled "per-account."

Q. We are getting emails with ***SPAM*** in the subject line, how to we fix that?

A. Actually, nothing is broken. You can change the score that you receive emails that have their subject rewritten in the Spam Assassin configuration editor. If you do not want any emails to be rewritten, change the score to something above 20.

Q. We no longer have a Spam Box on our accounts.

A. The spam boxes were disabled globally for several reasons, the primary reason was that users spam boxes were becoming so bloated to die user neglect, that their accounts were becoming over quota both at the email account level, and at the cPanel level. When the cPanel level was filled to capacity, many site services ceased to work, so to prevent this, we have disabled spam boxes on the server side.

Q. But I really liked my Spam Boxes, what can I do?

A. Some email readers like Thunderbird have built-in options for processing emails that have Spam Assassin headers. You can also configure other email readers to use custom filters to process mail flagged as spam by Spam Assassin according to your rule-set.

You can also consider setting up a filter in cPanel to look for Spam Assassin headers and forward those to another inbox account on the server side, though we do not recommend this unless you will be maintaining this account regularly.

Q. I have more questions about Spam Assassin.

A. Hit the "Reply" Button and ask them here!