I have a dedicated server, no resellers. How do I instruct my clients how to set-up their Exchange Server to best work with CPanel etc...
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I have a dedicated server, no resellers. How do I instruct my clients how to set-up their Exchange Server to best work with CPanel etc...
You will have to add appropriate MX records in the DNS zones of your domains in order to get them to interact with Exchange Server. If you run into any problems, open a ticket and we will help you to add MX records to your DNS zones.
Thanks. I'd like to copy some instructions for my knowledge base. Are there any?
Another thing I ran into... I used the the email id and password import feature in CPanel. For each domain account, I tested 5 to 10 email accounts via webmail and Outlook. All ID’s and passwords worked without issue.
However, the client said they had to reset the exchange password and it worked fine.
Any idea as to why this would happen?
Not sure why they would have to reset their password, without seeing things on their end. We do not support Microsoft exchange server, but I will try to put some basic docs online a bit later about how to direct traffic to the exchange server. From there it is up to the exchange admin to troubleshoot the problem since we do not have access to their machine we cannot really diagnose problems on that side.
Cancel that... mystery solved. Exchange passwords did not match the passwords that had been set up.
Here are some docs for you to host your sites here (locally) and your Exchange or other email server or service elsewhere (remotely).
1) Go to the DNS Zone Editor in WHM or cPanel for the account you wish to host email remotely.
2) Remove the current MX entry and replace it with the MX entry provided by your 3rd party mail service provider.
You will need to use something like mx.third.party.com. in the mx instead of the default mail.domain.com where mx.third.party.com. is the mx record provided by the 3rd party mail service.
It should look like:
your-domain.com. 14400 in MX 0 mx.third.party.com.
It cannot be like:
your-domain.com. 14400 in MX 0
3) If they have not given you an MX record, and only an IP address, then make an A record for mail, exchange, or whatever you want to call the 3rd party mail service. In this example, we will use "exchange"
4) Make an A record for mail
exchange 14440 A <---the remote mail server / service
then change the MX to be like:
your-domain.com 14440 MX 0 exchange.your-domain.com.
You really should have an MX record from the third party instead of an IP address to prevent other problems. They should have not only an MX but reverse DNS to prevent problems.
5) Now you can setup another A record for mail so that you can 'pop' mail.domain.com on the remote unit.
mail 14400 in A
Or you can simply use their MX records in the incoming and outgoing mailservers of your email program config if you prefer. Using mail.your-domain.com makes switching back and fourth between a third party and cPanel a little bit easier from your client's point of view so that they do not need to reconfigure their email programs all the time.
Then remove the domain in question from /etc/localdomains and place it in /etc/remotedomains
The local/remote domains thing should be handled by cPanel automatically but you should check to be sure.
Make sure you dns is updated, in shell run: host -t mx domainname.com
PS if you are interested in Managed Exchange from GlowHost please vote in this thread.
Good information. Thank you!