I haven't posted for a while, been really busy but now thing have calmed down a bit and I find myself in a curious situation. I have been helping out a friend with his company website because of the poor service he received from his previous web developer.

My dilemma; things have slowly gotten past the helping a friend in need point and I find myself in the position of being the businesses main web resource. I'm not quite sure how it happened but the wife pointed out the number of hours I was giving away and told me I should charge for my services.

After thinking about it, I realized my better half is correct (isn't it always the case), so I emailed the business owner, to let him know I can no longer update and maintained his company website for free and I will be charging him a per hour rate for updating prices, adding products and creating new pages, or we can negotiate a project rate when needed for bigger jobs. I told him I will be sending him an invoice for recent service performed and for any future services.

Hopefully I haven't lost a Friend and he will understand my position because he is a business owner and wouldn't give away his products without charging but I would hate to loose a friend over this.

Have any of you been in this position, helping a friend in need and then you have to charge for services because the amount of work has become more that just occasional help? How did you handle it?

Thanks for the shoulder to cry on.