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Thread: Where do I find all my site bonuses?

  1. #1
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline GlowHost Administrator
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    Default Where do I find all my site bonuses?

    All of the Bonus Packs seen on the site and more are installable via your new Control Panel. If you have a Fantastico enabled package choose the Fantastico Icon in your cPanel to see them. If you are on a plan that does not include Fantastico, you can use the cgi center or addon scripts section in your cPanel to see them.

    Others, like the web stats are also in your control panel under the appropriate icon.
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  2. #2
    jnekos is offline Newbie
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    Mar 2006


    Is there a way to remove an add-on? Specifically squirrelmail, so that users go directly to the horde default page and not continue to be prompted to select an email package?

  3. #3
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline GlowHost Administrator
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Behind your monitor


    Unfortunately, in a shared hosting environment, not really.

    If you go to and login, you will always have the choice of one webmail interface, or the other. Some users prefer Horde (my favorite when I am using a desktop or laptop) and some like squirrelmail (my favorite when I am using a mobile device like a PDA to access webmail)

    If you have a dedicated server with us, you can definitely choose which webmail package to offer at the interface.

    At one point in time there were some php scripts available to bypass the main mail page and they would allow direct access to one webmail program or the other.

    I have not seen any in a while that actually work in a shared hosting environment.

    Some browsers will support direct linkage to horde webmail (I believe FireFox will) if you use this link:

    Internet explorer will not in most cases as they have patched some security issues using this type of login. If anyone finds a way to do this feel free to post on it.
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